Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Six Shot Outside Brooklyn Church After Funeral

A gunfight erupted outside a church in Brooklyn on Monday evening, killing two people. 

Altogether, six were shot during a standoff outside the Emmanuel Church of God, according to The New York Times. At least one person returned fire from inside the church, NBC News reports. 

It began when three men opened fire on a crowd that had gathered for the funeral of 38-year-old Jose Luis Robles, who had died of natural
causes, according to NBC News. 

Raul Marroqin, 43, who attended the funeral, told the Times that he covered his kids when he heard the gunfire, unsure of what was happening – or even what direction the shots were coming from. 

"I heard so many shots," he said. "Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. I threw myself to the floor, grabbed my kids." 

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